Cooperative Education

A supervised educational program for students that integrates periods of academic study with periods of paid, professional work.

In the Cooperative Education Program, work assignments are closely related to your academic program and provide an opportunity for you to enhance your classroom learning by integrating academic theory and real-world work experience. The co-op experience prepares you for professional work in business, industry, and government agencies upon graduation.

The two types of co-op schedules:

  1. Alternate periods of work and school
  2. Work part-time and attend classes part-time (referred to as parallel)

What are the advantages of participating in Cooperative Education?

  • Enables you to retain full-time student status for academic purposes
  • Enhances classroom learning and adds meaning to your academic studies by integrating academic theory and real-world work experience
  • Have your Financial Aid (including TOPS) and/or Scholarships deferred until returning to campus
  • Confirms or redirects career decision-making by allowing you to "try out" a career
  • Provides contact with potential future employers and builds your professional reference list
  • Helps you develop job-related skills and exposes you to the professional world of work
  • Teaches valuable job search skills, such as job searching techniques, resume writing, and interviewing
  • Often leads to permanent job offers and higher starting salaries


Qualifications for the Cooperative Education Program

Thirty credit hours applicable toward your degree and a minimum 2.5 GPA. Individual academic colleges may establish higher credit hours and/or GPA requirements. 青涩直播s must receive approval from their college BEFORE you accept a position.


How do I apply for the Cooperative Education Program?

Once you have been offered a co-op opportunity, you must make an appointment with us by emailing to receive further enrollment info.