Manage your 青涩直播s' Accommodations

Accessible Information Management (AIM) is an online accommodation management portal used by Disability Services to help students independently coordinate their accommodations.

The system protects confidential information about the students, and allows more transparency and streamlined communication among students, instructors and ODS staff.

The system has a faculty portal that allows faculty view students' accommodation letters and manage testing agreements.

Current Options in AIM

青涩直播s can:

  • Request accommodations each semester.
  • Generate faculty letters outlining accommodations that they will use for your course.
  • Manage requests for exams to be taken with accommodations.

Faculty can:

  • View a list of all students registered with ODS who have requested accommodations for each course.
  • Download copies of the student's accommodation letter, listing their accommodations for each course.
  • View a list of student exam requests for courses.
  • Complete the Testing Agreement to outline specifically what is allowed in the classroom for tests. (This ensures that students with disabilities receive appropriate accommodations.)
  • Upload their exams to the AIM portal for easy access when the test date arrives.

Faculty Uses of AIM

1. Letters of Accommodation

When students request accommodations, faculty will be sent a letter via email.

  • The accommodations letter will list the student, the course and section number, and accommodations the student is requesting. Please keep this information confidential.
  • If your student has requested to use testing accommodations, your faculty letter will have a link to your Testing Agreement.
    • The Testing Agreement link is specific to the class and section that the student is enrolled.
    • You only need to do one Testing Agreement per section. If you teach two sections, you will need to complete two agreements.

2. Testing Agreements

1. Click the link to the Testing Agreement in your faculty letter.

  • The link is specific for the class and section, please be sure that you are using the correct link.

2. You will be directed to your course's Testing Agreement via our AIM online portal.

3. You will be asked for the following details about testing in your course:

  • Would you prefer to proctor exams yourself for this course?
    • If you choose to proctor the exams yourself, please contact ODS to ensure that the students will receive the appropriate accommodations in your testing environment.
  • How would you like to provide your exams to ODS?
    • You are NOT locked into this option throughout the semester. If you need to change the format during the semester, contact the ODS Test Proctoring Center.
  • What are students allowed to use in the classroom?
    • Provide any special instructions in the "Additional Note or Comment" box.
    • If your exams require special software (SPSS, MATLAB, etc.) please mention this in the notes.
  • How would you like the exams returned to you?
  • How would you like to be contacted if the student has questions DURING the exam?
    • In the classroom, they would come up to you directly; how would you like these handled while your student is testing?
  • How much time is allowed for students testing in the classroom?
  • At what phone number can Test Proctoring Staff (no students) contact you, in the event of a question?
    • Your private contact information will never be shared with a student. Any questions from a student will be relayed through Test Proctoring staff.

3. Exam Requests

Once a student schedules an exam for one of your courses, you will receive an email notification. Remember to check that each exam request is scheduled for the right day/time.

4. Provide Your Exams to Test Proctoring

You may submit your exams in the following formats:

  • Upload a digital copy of your test to our secure at any time once the request has been approved. A link to upload the exam will be provided in each Exam Request email message.
  • Email a digital copy to
  • Drop off a printed copy of the test to ODS Testing Center (Agnes Edwards Hall Room 126)

Tests Given Outside the Classroom

Please extend the time allotment for the student. If the class is allowed to take the tests at home, no further action is needed.

Exams in Moodle

Whether tests in Moodle are given in class or at home, the instructor is the ONLY person who can extend the student's allotted time.


If you need help extending the time window for your student, please contact the ODS at 337-482-5252. Should you have questions about AIM, please contact ODS Testing Center at or 337-482-5252.